Bitter Cynical Rants from One as Snarky as Waldorf and As Sexy as Statler.

Monday, August 22, 2005

This is the last time that I'll hold your hand...

Dear VTB Readers,

Please excuse my absence, I was kidnapped this weekend and taken to the cape by none other than Soccer Chick who, after yelling at me for deciding to be fiscally responsible for a change and bowing out from my trip cross-country, decided that it was her turn to come east.
After a late night at Hiro wednesday night, I of course overslept and made it to the airport with no time to spare as she was waiting for me bag in hand when I walked into the terminal. All the trepidation (yes, even superheroes have trepidation)I had about her visiting disappeared the second that I saw her. After spending a fabulous day and night in and around the slope, we hopped in the rental car and headed to p-town where her folks have a beach house.
What followed were three fabulous days of life as it could be, but isn't. Could I easily fall in love with this woman (again)? yes. Does it make sense seeing as how she's in SF and Im in the eNwhYCee? no. How'd we leave it? Well, its still very much up in the air. But I will say this, after the drama of the last few weeks, it was unbelievably refreshing to have something so natural, so easy, so, well, perfect.

Now its back to the real world.
your favorite VTB editor


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Someone I know sent me these lyrics:
"so this is the last time that i hold your hand
i wanna kiss you on the mouth and tell you i'm your biggest fan"

and I think you might know who sang them? I've heard the song but the person refused to give me the artist's name/song title so I'm really lost. If you know could you email me at

I'm really sorry to ask this of you, I just really loved the song and I can't figure out who it's by! It would mean a lot to me if you would help me out.

12:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

my name is trouble
by Nightmare of you

i think its from the OC or grey's anantomy

7:00 PM


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