Bitter Cynical Rants from One as Snarky as Waldorf and As Sexy as Statler.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Happy Fall!

Not like it feels like it, since its 82 degrees outside, but today is the autumnal equinox! I love the fall. There's nothing like breaking out the sweaters, raking up the leaves just to jump into the pile and having to rake them up again, playing an impromptu game of football in the park, watching the football games on a sunday afternoon with a blanket curled up around you and the times crossword puzzle in your hands. There's nothing like driving upstate to watch the leaves change, going apple picking and then trying to come up with at least 10 different ways to cook the 500 apples you took back with you. I personally love to make doughnuts in the fall, I find they go well with apple cider - so if you're in the neighborhood stop by, you may find a fresh batch of powdered and cinnamon doughnuts.

The fall has again meant back to school for me, i love new school supplies. I love the smell of pencils - and I don't care how much of a dork that makes me. I love that its soup season, and I don't even like most soups. I love that the playoffs are about to begin again, fall baseball kicks ass. I love that its appropriate to drink hot chocolate. I love that the fall means the fabulous ms. mo's birthday and the Jewish new year. I love spending weeks figuring out what I'm going to be for halloween and I adore watching the neighborhood kids trick or treat.

So tell me, what is it about autumn that you love.


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