Bitter Cynical Rants from One as Snarky as Waldorf and As Sexy as Statler.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me, sort of

since it is the celebration of the day of my birth, i find it totally acceptable to be completely self-absorbed. read on at your own risk, you've been warned.

in case you've forgotten, or by some strange course are new to this here site, normally i love my birthday, i like making a big deal about it and i enjoy any good reason to celebrate, and really, what's better than celebrating yourself. this year though, i haven't really been looking forward to the day, knowing full well that the echoes of the break-up would greatly affect my celebratory mood.

boy, i couldn't have been more correct about that. i knew that if i heard from her i'd be upset. i knew that if i didn't hear from her i'd be upset. it was a lose-lose situation and as you may have guessed, i lost. when i opened my email this morning there was one from her, wishing me birthday greetings. telling me that she's thinking about me today.

except, that obviously, she's not celebrating with me, and is the main reason for why I don't feel like celebrating at all. does it really matter that she hopes I have a good birthday when its already been ruined?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, i'm a huge fan and follower of amyscoop's website. for some reason, i didn't read it yesterday though. so now i've missed your b-day. i think that's ok though because i don't know you and you don't know me. but no one likes to be reminded of crappy break-ups.

that being said, i hope you had an ok day and remember: your birth came long before the break-up... celebrate the more historical history. take care!

9:51 AM


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