Bitter Cynical Rants from One as Snarky as Waldorf and As Sexy as Statler.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Caught your hand inside the till
Slammed your fingers in the door

phew, its been busy as hell at work making updating two blogs extremely difficult. so here we are just to let you know that other things go on in our lives besides eating. (although judging by the scale in our bathroom, its clear that not much else is going on).

had an awesome saturday night, old school style, with the ranzer, cmoss, and heatha at ino and then my living room where we also ran into the AJHammer and much insanity ensued including a trip to cheesy superclub at 3am. paid for it all day sunday. we don't have as many of those nights anymore as we used to back in the rock and roll friday days and while our liver totally appreciates the breaks, sometimes we feel we need more debauchery in our lives. maybe we should phone mrs. robinson, she was the queen of our most debaucherous summer to date.


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