Bitter Cynical Rants from One as Snarky as Waldorf and As Sexy as Statler.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

We were lovers, We were kissers, We were holders of hands:

Alright. So sue me. I saw the Stills last night and I'm still in love. These Canadians kicked some major live music ass. The album rocks, live they rock even harder. Playa don't hate just because they're Canucks - check this band out!!!

It had occurred to me while I was getting a good round of Aural Pleasure that:

1. I am old, while I love a good show, I'd prefer a good rock show where I have the option to sit if I so choose. Thankfully I have good friends that suggested I purchase one of these.

2. I hadn't been to Irving since I left my job here. I am so glad I got over that snobbery of refusing to pay for a show, although, I wouldn't be adverse to hopping on anyone's plus one if they feel like being so generous

3. Metric sucks. I'm sorry if you're a fan, but the lead chick - you know, the one from broken social scene - worries me, I fear for her mental health and they're overall annoying and uncool. Noone should have to try that hard.

4. I am too fat to be a hipster. This one I knew already but was really driven home again last night. If you haven't perfected the I-haven't-eaten-in-3-days-because-I-spent-my-grocery-money-on-these-"vintage"-clothes-that-could-have-been-pulled-out-of-a dumpster-but-weren't figure/body type, then you cannot be part of the hipster club. Thankfully I came to terms with this years ago when I realized that I would never be cool.

5. The Stills rock. Go buy their CD now. Go.


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