Bitter Cynical Rants from One as Snarky as Waldorf and As Sexy as Statler.

Thursday, October 09, 2003


and where I belong is seeing god tonight. Lucky for me that's exactly what I'll be doing. And as an added bonus I get to see these guys. Kudos to the man for picking fabulous people to share the stage with.

Just one more thing for today. Having gone to a SUNY, I know that it is a given that I'm going to run into people that I went to college with on a daily basis. But I want to throw this out there. Can we stop the madness?? If you walk by me on the street, happen to be in the same subway car, next to me on the bus, etc. And I haven't seen you in five years, I promise I won't find you rude if you choose to not participate in having small talk for five minutes before we go on our separate ways again. Chances are the conversation will go something like this:

"Hey, I can't believe how long its been! You look great!"
"So do you. Its been like 4 years right, so whets new?"
"Nothing, you know, same old shit different year. You're in law school right?"
"Yeah, it sucks. What are you doing now?"
"I work for NYU, its alright. But actually I have to run, I'm meeting a friend of mine for drinks and I'm late."
"Yeah, we should do drinks or something, let me get your number"
(exchange of the cell phone numbers)
"Well it was really good to see you."
"You Too."

Now I have a number I'm never going to call. You know you're not going to call me. Seriously, I'm not going to be offended. Just keep walking. These conversations are never informative, I don't really care what you're doing. You don't give a bleep as to what I'm doing. Small talk and pleasantries, for what? Help me understand this people. Why are these conversations necessary?

if I wanted to keep in touch with you, I would have. If I wanted to get back in touch with you, I would have friendstered or even *gasp* called a mutual friend. Just let it go people. Let it go. Now this doesn't mean that I don't like you. On the contrary, I like you enough that I feel like we should be honest enough with each other to not have these bullshit conversations. I would even love it if you were like, "Hey Andrea! Good to see you, but I know that there's no worthwhile information I can glean from you in 60 seconds of conversation, so I'm not going to bother. I just wanted to acknowledge that once upon a time we knew each other. Continued good luck in your future endeavors."

Small talk sucks, people. Anyone with me on this??


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