I got a gnome in the backyard
the continued trials and tribulations of having a broken dvr box continued on friday night, when your cute and lovable (but not so bright) vtb editor, having had one sparks already, thought that the most brilliant way to unscrew the coax cables (having spent 15 minutes looking for the pliers before realizing that they probably reside with the ex now) was to use my incredibly expensive and incredibly sharp kitchen shears, which by the handle have an area that resembles pliers. I'm sure you all can see where this is going so to make a long story short, i spent two hours in the emergency room on friday night so i could get one stitch in my right hand. seriously. one stitch. how stupid can one person be? (you know what, don't answer that)...
the cable guy cant come fast enough (ewww, dirty!).
you'll notice to the right there, i've made some updates. what i've been listening to, what i've been reading and a damned hot picture of the new muse. see, change is in the air round these parts.