Somebody Told Me that You had a Boyfriend that Looks Like A Girlfriend I Had in February of Last Year
Its Friday, Its Raining and my boss isn't in. It took every ounce of my will to not only come to work dressed in something other than my pyjamas, but to come to work at all. And boy do I regret that decision. So far my morning has consisted of drinking one Venti Sugar Free Vanilla Skim Latte(yum!), playing about 10 games of Dynomite (frustrating), reading the regular round ups of blogs(always entertaining!), doing the crossword puzzle in the times (self-congratulating!), as well as both puzzles in the daily news, and figuring out what it is I'm going to do for lunch (Vietnamese?).
Its only 10:43. Im about 30 seconds away from scouring Craig's list for kicks. Anyone have any suggestions of things I can do to keep me occupied. I mean I suppose I could do some work, but that wouldn't be fun now would it. For Shame. Clearly I'm blowing this pop stand (Dirty!), early.